
We sincerely strive for gender equity and equanimity towards
all sentient beings of any background, ethnicity, gender, nationality, or religion. We welcome all those who are willing to share in a meaningful discussion about these concepts.
all sentient beings of any background, ethnicity, gender, nationality, or religion. We welcome all those who are willing to share in a meaningful discussion about these concepts.
This blog is meant to be a public forum where the varied and ever-changing dynamics that female Buddhist practitioners encounter are documented and discussed. We aim to make this a space for ongoing dialogue about these crucial issues.
In the months to come we will be sharing articles from Buddhist women of all walks of life. We welcome new submissions, as well as comments and suggestions. Please visit the Contact Us page for more information on how you can submit an article.
The Light of Kilis: Our Ancient Bhikkhuni Series

The first post of the series offers brief introduction to some historical sites and places on Java that would be of greatest interest to visit.
The second post explores the ancient Buddhist women monastics and ascetics of Indonesian archipelago.
The third post records the dramatic and inspiring life story of a Buddhist woman saint, Manimekalai, second century South India’s Buddhist Mother Theresa, who traveled to Java to teach the local king about compassionate leadership.
The fourth post discusses Bhikkhunīs and Women’s Leadership in the 5th-7th Century Indonesian South Seas.
The fifth post tells the story of the 11th Century Vanishing Crown Princess Bhikkhunī Hermit & Her Selomangleng Goa Cave
The sixth post recounts a new type of ascetic woman who has entered into the Buddhist world (or perhaps an old type who is now manifesting in new ways). She does not appear as a bhikkhunī/bhikṣuṇī. She is named Bhrikutī (or more proper Sanskrit: Bhṛkutī).
Start a Discussion in Our Google Plus Community
The Sakyadhita Google Plus Community is open to anyone who would like to start a discussion related to women in Buddhism. As you can imagine, the topics are endless so feel free to start a conversation or join in on one that has already begun.