Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

We invite you to contribute your photos to a visual story e-book that will illustrate the history and cultural diversity of ordained Buddhist women. This photo e-book will tell the stories of Buddhist women from all Buddhist traditions around the world. Though the book will focus on female monastics, stories of significant events involving laywomen would be a welcome and beautiful addition.

We ask that you please submit high resolution photos (300 dpi), with permission from the photographer, and detailed caption information for use in a Creative Commons, Attribution, No Corporation, No Derivatives e-book. Please kindly submit your contribution to the project coordinator, Dheerayupa.

This book will belong to all Buddhist women, as we celebrate the Buddhadharma through our traditions and cultures. It is our greatest hope that Buddhist women from various countries will join us in this project and contribute photos with captions to make this book possible.

Please visit this link to download the project outline and submission form for further details. Thank you for your participation.

Bhikshuni Karma Lekshe Tsomo 
Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women

Submission Details:

Captions in English
  • First line: event
  • Second line: place, date, and time
  • Third line: the names of people represented in the photo
  • Fourth line: name and contact information of the contributor and/or photographer (a media release signed by the photographer is required)


  • The First Bhikkhuni Ordination at Dhammasara Nuns’ Monastery
  • Western Australia, 2012
  • Bhikkhuni Nirodha, Samaneri Pasada, Samaneri Munissara,
    Bhikkhuni Tathaloka (preceptor)
  • Photo used with permission from Bhikkhuni Adhimutta

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