Monday, September 1, 2014

Follow Me

Stephanie Mohan




over there.

This empty being

seen whole.

Labelled name and form.

Predisposed by karma.

Not knowing past cause

Suffering now.

Not known, not seen, not here, not there.

Not this, not that.


This storehouse,

everything ever thought, said, done,

skilful, not.

This wheel turning

eons of yearning.

Grasping & clinging

energy burns

the wheel turns

ever dissatisfied









Oh my, this vertigo!

This world is out of kilter

This room is spinning

And this voice

Oh that voice, indescribably right

“Follow me”

That is all

And a little dust is blown


For a glimpse of a moment unadorned

by the veil.

I am

a monk without a robe

Behind you

Just there

Almost walking into your shoes

I could become your blessed feet

Am I already within you

or are you within me?

Oh bliss!

Look, that smile!


The only thing I truly own!

May happy and free be each one I meet

May I help teach…

Everything else,

matters not.

First written Jan 7 2011/ Edited for publication Nov 2012, and posted to Grevilleacorner.
Photo taken New Zealand 2009.

Stephanie Mohan


Stephanie Mohan started her blog as a way to share her poetry and reflections on the teachings of the Buddha with others. She also owns and manages the "Buddhism in Action" group on Linked In.

Stephanie lives in Sydney Australia and enjoys a simple life with her husband, enjoying long walks, gardening, home improvement and creative projects along with daily meditation on her front verandah. She loves to reflect and write for her blog in the evenings and finds 'gems' for sharing with the Buddhism in Action group in the mornings.

Before retiring in 2012, Stephanie had a long career as a change and project manager, helping others to accept and adapt to new ways of working. She wrapped up her career with a two year stint as an Executive Coach, helping senior managers in the corporate world to deal with relationship and performance issues.

Her experience in change management and coaching have helped her to understand and incorporate Buddha's 8 fold path as a way of life. She hopes that her sharing brings benefit and happiness to others.

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