Monday, February 2, 2015

Tara Is Dancing in Arunachala Pradesh

Prema Dasara

At the Sakyadhita conference in Bihar India last year, we had the wonderful experience of sharing some of our Tara Dances with women from all over the world. Several months later I received an email from a young woman, Paki Tsering Droima, who lives in a remote village in northeast India. 

She wrote:

With immense love and respect to Prema Tara and the Tara Dhatu Dancing Group! I'm Paki Tsering Droima from Arunachala Pradesh, north-east India. In January 2013, I got the chance to leave my village for the first time in my life, and to attend the Sakyadhita International Conference in Vaishali, India with one of my friends who is a nun.

I'm an ordinary and inexperienced village girl, so I don’t know how to express how delighted I felt learning about and seeing you!! I never imagined the lovely dearest Goddess Tara would be manifested in such a beautiful real way. I haven't got the chance to know more about you and your wonderful work, but that short spiritual encounter had a deep impression on my soul. My English is poor, but I hope you can feel my gratitude! Spiritually we are connected for always.
I'm working as an elementary school teacher in this remote village, and I’m sending love and gratitude from the children as well.

This is the first time I’ve sent an email to anyone, so I hope you receive it, and I wish for you to consider visiting our region in the future. Our people will be blessed to see the Tara in such a lively and virtuous form.

I felt comforted, connected, and blessed. I can’t thank you enough! Your love and care has been with me all this time. Thank you for being so sincere and spiritual, my soul has felt the blessing!!

Prema Dasara: I answered her letter right away, after forwarding it to the pilgrims who had accompanied us. Several months down the line she responded:

Paki Tsering Droima: With lots of love and respect, I would like to thank you for your beautiful reply! When I came back from Vaishali, I had tried to teach my students the “snake of anger” lesson which I'd learned in your children’s workshop (Tara Tames the Eight Fears). Sadly, I forgot the dance steps, but I tried to follow you . . . I wish I could attend your workshop to witness you perform as much as I can to bring the Almighty Feminine closer to ordinary beings like us, you make alive the Taras out of the thangkas and statues of the temple.

In this small government primary school we have thirty children, ages four to twelve years. They are my motivators, and I do learn a lot from them. Within a year or two I may get a posting to some school where there will be hundreds of children, so I wish I could pass on to them the essence and blessings of the “Quiet Revolution” of Tara Dancing.

Sorry for any mistakes and for this long email. I wish the whole Tara team a very happy and prosperous New Year! May your journey take its loving arms to each and every soul, and may you continue showering your blessings in your own beautiful way to everyone!!

Prema Dasara: I sent this message to the pilgrims and we all decided we would raise the money to send some materials to Tsering Dolma if she would like, but first I had to know if we sent her a DVD or CD if she would be able to play it. She wrote:

Paki Tsering Droima: I'm so sorry for late reply. We have no proper network here. I hope you all are doing great as always! We have no DVD player at our school. But every household in the village has a TV and DVD player! I would be very grateful if you send me CDs/DVDs of the Tara Dance. So that I would show my children and friends, I've this laptop with me which sometimes I use to show pictures, etc. to my children at school!

The internet doesn't work here but sometimes it works in my mobile. I send you email through my mobile.

Prema Dasara: Several of our pilgrims send donations and we put together a parcel and sent it. Several months later we got this message:

Paki Tsering Droima: With immense love and respect to everyone at Tara Dhatu!! I would like to thank Prema Tara and Lilliha for the precious gifts,i.e. a CD, a DVD, and books which I knew would be full of love and wisdom and I found it exactly the same. I've received the parcel on 7th April, 2014, the gifts sent with love and received with love! It will be of a great help to  practice compassion, the songs written by Prema Tara will be helpful not just to children but to grown-ups as well, which contains the whole of life's wisdom in those simple lovely sentences, Written so beautifully by such a beautiful soul. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

We  are having our school vacation nowadays, and the school will reopen in June. Any member of Tara Dhatu, if come to Arunachal, Paki Tsering Drolma is always here at this small village to welcome you all!

Tashi Delek!!

Signed, Paki Tsering Drolma

Republished with permission. This article is originally published at
For more information on Tara Dhatu, please visit

Prema Dasara: Teacher

Prema Dasara is an international teacher of sacred dance and dharma. She is the creator of the Mandala Dance of the Twenty-One Praises of Tara and other dharma dances. These profound practices are a vehicle of empowerment based in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, calling forth from dancers and audience the highest expression of wisdom and compassion. Her dances have been offered to some of the greatest Tibetan masters: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, and His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche with their blessing and encouragement. Prema is the Spiritual and Creative Director of Tara Dhatu, a nonprofit organization formed to preserve the integrity of sacred dance practice with presently over ninety centers around the globe. Her work is timely and timeless, a bridge between Eastern and Western expressions of ancient wisdom, revealing the underlying power of unified feminine spiritual energy to heal and transform oneself and the world.

Photo credit:
All photos: Prema Dasara

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