Bhikkhuni Adhimutta: Co-Founding Blog Coordinator

Venerable Adhimutta first ordained in Thailand as a mae chee in 2005 (at Wat Ram Poeng with Ajahn Suphan), subsequently going forth as a samaneri at Santi Forest Monastery in 2008 and then as a bhikkhuni at Aranya Bodhi in 2010 (with Ayya Tathaaloka Theri as Pavatini). She is currently based in Asia further developing her meditation practice and studies.
Harsha Menon: Blog Coordinator

Harsha Menon is a filmmaker and writer. She has degrees from New York
University and Harvard where she studied film and the dharmic
traditions. She attended the 2013 International Sakyadhita Conference in Vaishali, India and is a member of Sakyadhita International. Harsha has worked for many years on issues of women's empowerment in South Asia and the United States. She is also a
documentary filmmaker specializing in using film for social impact.
Mariani Dewi: Blog Content Coordinator
Mariani works as a lecturer and journalist. In 2013, she read a
post at Ajahn Sujato's
blog that said Sakyadhita was looking for help and has been involved in updating the blog since then. In 2014, with some friends, she setup an
Indonesian-version of Sakyadhita blog to make the writings here available for Indonesia readers.
Pamela K: Co-Founding Blog Editor

Pamela moved to rural northern California in 2004, where she lived at a Theravada Forest monastery for over a year, and then moved a couple of miles down the road where she continues to practice and study Dhamma. She is an active supporter of the Forest tradition, both in the USA and the UK. With a BA in English and professional training in editing, since 2001 she has offered editorial assistance for numerous Buddhist organizations, including Sakyadhita,
Inquiring Mind, Forest Sangha Publications,
Present magazine, the Tibet Justice Center, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Parallax Press, and Sae Taw Win Dhamma Center. In 2009 she published
Atammayata, a selection from
The Island, by Luang Por Pasanno and Ajahn Amaro. Currently she is working on a book of bhikkhuni reflections.
Bhikshuni Karma Lekshe Tsomo: Sakyadhita Liaison & Advisor
Venerable Lekshe is a professor of Buddhist Studies at the University of San Diego. She received the precepts of a novice nun in France in 1977 and full ordination in Korea in 1982. She studied Buddhism in Dharamsala for fifteen years and received a doctorate in Comparative Philosophy from the University of Hawai`i in 2000. She is a founder and past president of
Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women and director of
Jamyang Foundation, an innovative education project for women in developing countries. Her published work includes
Sisters in Solitude: Two Traditions of Monastic Ethics for Women and a number of edited volumes on women in Buddhism.
Danie M. Becknell: Sakyadhita Online Content Coordinator
Danie holds a master's degree in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures from Indiana University and a graduate certificate in Nonprofit Management from IUPUI. At Westminster College she obtained BAs in Anthropology/Sociology and the Psychology of Women and Gender. She began volunteering with Sakyadhita and the
Jamyang Foundation in December 2012, becoming the Sakyadhita webmaster in January 2013. Danie continues to work to create a socially integrated website for Sakyadhita, and hopes to do the same for the Jamyang Foundation. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our online presence contact her at
Raymond Lam: Communications Coordinator
Raymond is Senior Correspondent and Editorial Writer for the website
Buddhistdoor Global. He is also an archivist of the Awakening Buddhist Women Resource Library. His major interests are Silk Road studies, world history, art and philosophy, journalism, Christian theology, and Mahayana Buddhism.
Karen Jensen: Co-Founding Blog Coordinator
Karen graduated from Smith College in 2012 with a concentration in Buddhist Studies and American Studies. She attended her first Sakyadhita International Conference in January 2013. In the past year Karen has devoted herself to advocacy projects for Buddhist women, and spent the first part of this year working for the Tibetan Women's Association in Dharamsala, India. She is currently the teaching assistant to Antioch University's Japan and Its Buddhist Traditions Program in Kyoto.